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Athletic/Sports Fields
Specific Considerations
Baseball/Softball: Infield grading is critical and must meet all local standards. The outfield contour depends upon the surrounding grade and drainage, and requires careful consideration. Moreover, spectator ease and comfort should be implemented through the well-thought-out use of barriers/netting which provide both safety and visibility.
Boys Lacrosse: Surfacing and barrier deliberations are important due to the speed and physicality of the game, coupled with the strength of the players (depending on the age group).
Field Hockey: A variety of surfaces can be used, with higher end surfaces improving the ball roll, so crucial to the sport.
Football: The field gradient, for a natural grass field, is greater due to the intensity of play. Goalpost selection considers multi-sport field use and also padding to protect the players.

Girls Lacrosse: There are subtle differences in field configuration between boys and girls lacrosse, learned from many years of personal family experience
Soccer: Field size is dependent upon the age of the participants / level of play. Adequate space outside of the playing area should be allowed for corner kicks, player runoff, over kicks. Other important nuances of the game that are integral to the design.
Synthetic Turf: There are a multitude of options in today’s market. Many variables for each turf need to be reviewed and decided upon (e.g. face weight emblems, permanent versus temporary lines, colors). A concise specification, will lead to a clear bid document and appropriately selected turf.
General considerations
- A wet weather policy.
- A high heat strategy.
- Maintenance capabilities.
Specific Considerations
Basketball Courts: considerations for the resilience of the rim, safety of the type of net chosen, and the protection of the backboard supports are all choices that must be taken into account.
Street and Roller Hockey Rink: since these are two varied types of hockey, surfacing considerations are important, especially in wet weather conditions. The rink enclosure is another item to confer about.
Tennis Courts: when designing the surface, there are preferred ways to slope the courts in order to obtain favored net height interface for players on either side of the net. What is the latest rage in tennis court colors? We will explain to you the theory of tennis court color coating.

General considerations
- Surface grading and drainage
- Paving considerations
- Color coating
Site/Civil Engineering

Demolition Projects: there are a series of items that need to be addressed in each stage of the process. For example, asbestos identification and removal, utility shut down, dust control, noise control, select backfill source, rodent attenuation, etc.
Drainage: each project is unique and careful consideration for adjacent sloped areas, nearby water bodies, wetlands, proposed sub-grades, etc. are important.
Grading: all designs must take into consideration the sport or activity that you are playing. Not enough slope can lead to drainage problems, while too much slope can be uncomfortable for players and cause ball roll issues.
RFP/RFQ: we can assist in the development and/or review of your request for proposals/qualifications related to professional services and projects in our areas of expertise.
Soil Types: a review of the soil gradation is a good first step. Choices range from utilizing the existing soil to utilization of high-end soil such as root zone mix.
Fencing/netting: things to consider for the specific facility you are planning.
Irrigation: there are a number of prime considerations in the design of a properly functioning irrigation system. These include but are not limited to the water source, layout of the zones, considerations for hose connections, etc.
Lighting: proper light levels; voltage; remote control; emergency egress issues, poles, are some of the items to be addressed.
Nature trail: boardwalks across ravines; nature overlooks serviced by an accessible trail; trails through parks and recreation sites.
Parking: number of parking spaces required for various facilities is always a challenge. Consideration for changeover times is a key. Surfacing considerations are becoming more of an issue as green designs are preeminent.